December and the Spirit of Giving
Dec 06, 2024
Happy December, friends!
In the spirit of the season, I thought I would fill this month's newsletter with some of my favorite things for you to enjoy. Almost everything on this list is free, and none of it has to do with my work. It's just plain good stuff!
For Your Listening Pleasure:
Your favorite new holiday song
My amazing clients Leah and Heather teamed up to produce and perform the single "Midnight Clear", available wherever you stream music. A must listen for a chilly night with a cup of tea, or pop it onto your holiday party playlist.
Sick of the same old pop songs?
Follow this playlist! I worked with Kenny at Openfit where he was a music supervisor, and his knowledge is VAST. His "Kenny Knows Pop" playlist is a fave of mine and it's always fun when he adds something new.
Talking about money doesn't have to be scary
I made a wonderful new friend this year in financial therapist Rachel Duncan, who founded the Money Healing Club and now has her own podcast! If you vibe with me, you'll vibe with her- she's awesome.
Calling all creative moms
My genius friends Shelly and Cherise just launched the Creative Mamas Unplugged podcast and I was lucky enough to be asked on as a guest! Check out my episode here, where I talk about perimenopause (of course), motherhood, and keeping the creative spark alive.
To Read
"The Clearing" by Katherine May. This newsletter is by British author Katherine May, who wrote one of my favorite books, "Wintering." Buy the book or subscribe to the newsletter for free- either way you'll get something out of it.
Wise Women: Myths and Stories for Midlife and Beyond. Now, I haven't read this yet but it is very much on my list. I love it.
For Year-End Reflection
Unravel Your Year 2025
Susannah Conway is my favorite quiet creator across the pond. And her Unravel Your Year workbook has been a tradition of mine for several years now. Grab it for free here, and while you're there check out her #decemberreflections photo challenge on Instagram. A lovely opportunity to contemplate the simple pleasures and reflect on 2024.
Enjoy! I'm wishing you the best for a very happy Holiday season :)
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